Fuzzy Zoeller and Doug Wilmoth - Golf Legend

I would like to tell you about what happened to me at the PGA Merchandise Show this year. I went there with sore feet caused by high blood sugar. My feet were not getting the proper flow of blood to them for the last 9 months. At supper Paul and Jin gave me a Quantum Pendant to wear around my neck and tested me with every test known to man. After wearing it for about one hour my feet had no pain and the dark color on them was gone and they were pink again. The next morning I walked the entire show floor with no pain. It is going to be great working on the PGA Champions tour this year with no pain in my feet! Thanks to Paul and Jin. Also my friend Fuzzy Zoeller was amazed at how he could turn his back around at the hip and said that this will help him in his golf swing. He says thanks also to Quantum Pendant!.
- Doug Wilmoth, PGA Tour Rep
Scott Smith - Current World Long Drive Record Holder 539 Yards

Long Drive Accomplishments:
- 2002 Pinnacle Distance Challenge beating John Daly by 36 yards for $100,000
- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 World Finalist
- Finished 5th 2005 World Long Drive Championship
- Finished 14th 2004 World Long Drive Championship
- 2005 District Champion
- Current World Record holder of 539 yards in LDA competition (Albuquerque, NM 2005)
- Sponsored and trained by Parrillo Performance athlete training
Training five days a week, and hitting a thousand balls a week can be hard on the body. After wearing the Quantum Pendant for just a few days, I noticed less pain and fatigue. I have also noticed my swing speed jumped up a few mph on a consistant basis. I have had various pains in my shoulders and elbows since competing on the long drive tour. Since wearing the Quantum Pendant, I have very little problems with any pain. I would recommend the Quantum Pendant for anyone from all walks of life.
Pat Demsey - 2 Times World Long Drive Champion

- 2007 REMAX World Long Drive Senior Runner Up
- 2007 Top 3 Money List LDA Tour Sr. Div
- 2007 “UST High Performance Driving Team” Team Captain
- 2007 LDA Desert Launch Top 4 Sr. Div
- 2006 International Long Drive Sr. Champion
- 2005 ALDA Sr. Champion
- 2004 LDA Tour Tulsa, OK Sr. Champion
- 2004 LDA Tour Rochester, NY Sr. Champion
- 2004 Top 3 Money List LDA Tour Sr. Div.
- 2002 USA / S. Africa Team Captain
- 2002 REMAX World Long Drive Sr. Champion
- 2003 & 2002 NorCal Long Drive Challenge Sr. Champion
- 2001 World Ranked #6 Long Driver-Open Div.
- 2001 Oldest Ranked Finalist in Open Division
- 1998 World Ranked #9 Long Driver- Open Div
I have always put “hard work” as the single most productive thing one can do to improve their game. Unfortunately, the body doesn’t always go along with the program and it isn’t always 100% when you need it to be. This year I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to the “Rock”, better known as Fusion Excel Quantum Pendant. I was tested, and sure enough in the process, having the “Rock”, did make a difference. I’m still a little old fashioned, but it did interest me enough to give it a go, so put it.
The REMAX World Long Drive finals is a grueling week of nerves, pressure and having to be at your peak performance at all times, which is not as easy as it looks. But, after looking back on the week, I realized that my concentration level was great, my body recovered 100% every day, and my flexibility and strength was better than normal. Now, was it the “Rock”? Is it all in my head? What’s the difference? Who knows for sure, but it works for me and hasn’t come off my neck. Also, my Mom was with me in Mesquite, and with 2 knee replacements, she has a hard time standing up from a seated position. She asked to see my “Rock”, and you guessed it, she stood straight up with no problems. I don’t know how, but it happened just that way. For some reason it works and that’s all I need to know, besides, it looks good too! - Patrick Demsey
Lance Reader - 2004 Long Drive World Record Holder, Krank Golf Founder and President

Long Drive Accomplishments: - 2004 World Record Drive – 526 yards
- 2004 LDA District Qualifier 1st Place
- 2003 LDA Long Drive Tour Member
- 2003 Buick Open Long Drive Champion
- 2003 LDA District Qualifier 1st Place
- Krank Golf - Founder and President
I currently compete as a Professional Long Drive Golfer and own Krank Golf. We manufacture custom made driver for golf and long drive. After years of competing in long drive I developed a very sore right elbow tendon. Nothing seemed to get rid of the pain and discomfort. It became almost impossible to compete or even pick up my kids to give them a hug. After trying everything I could get my hands on and nothing relieving my pain, I decided to try the Quantum Pendant. Amazing!
Not only was my pain significantly reduced, but also my range of motion was increased. I also noticed as I wore the pendant in competition, my concentration was far more focused and clear. I was more calm and controlled. I ended up winning the long drive event, hitting 427 yards. It always feels good to beat all the young guns in long drive.
You see, I’m 44 years old; three years ago I broke the World Long Drive record, hitting 526 yards.Since then, I feel I have slipped a little in distance and accuracy.I believe it is mainly due to nagging injuries and lack of concentration.As far as I can tell the Quantum Pendant has resolved both those issues. I am grateful.
Just as a note, every Long Driver on our team has tested ball speed and accuracy with and without the Quantum Pendant on. Every single hitter showed improved numbers with it on. Our testing was done carefully and most of the time without the hitter knowing why they were putting the pendant on. It really was very interesting.
I tried Quantum Pendant from a friend of mine at work and only one word describes it. Fantastic!!!! It is the greatest thing I ever used for my chronic back pain. I will tell everyone about it! Thank you so much .
Dominic M. (OK)
My partner and I have purchased a scalar pendant each for ourselves. We cannot stop telling people about it becuase it has practically changed our lives. The fact that I am feeling almost 100% better than I ever have is due to the pendant! Pain is minimized if not eliminated altogether, nutrition absorbtion has been improved by amazing rates and it has even been the catalyst of my blood pressure and diabetic situations getting much better. I not only strongly recomend it but totally rave about the pendant. We cannot wait to get the other products as well.
Thanks so much for having this very important product available to us! You are a Godsend! Danny O. (Australia)
I was hammering and hit my lower left index finger. Then, a welt appeared. Instead of ice, I took off my pendant from my chest and placed it on top of the affected area for more than 15 minutes. Wow, the welt disappeared and the pain subsided and eventually went away. The following day, my son naughtily hit my right knuckle with a 1" round stick. I placed my pendant on it and the pain subsided and there was no inflammation.
A week later, I accidentally slashed my right pinkie finger with a blade cutter while taping a box (not a very smart thing to do). It was somewhat deep and I got a paper towel and wrapped it tightly around the one-inch wound and tied my pendant on top of it for an hour. The bleeding stopped and the wound closed the following day. Amazing indeed! My wife wears one and my 93-year old mom wears one too. Arthur E. (CA)
We have used all 10 pendants among my families. They all worked on each of us. We are able to sleep well by wearing them at night. Also, we didn't use the bathroom as much as before. I think these pendants are working like miracle. I would recommended it to anyone who has pain.
Cha H. (NC)
I had a stroke last year. My stamina is now great. I was walking last week with my children but did not even stop to rest. I just kept on walking. I don't have soreness or aches anymore. The scalar pendant improves my flexibility and mobility of movement. With this, I can go ballroom dancing. Shirley D. (CA)
I'm in good mood since I received the pendant, non-stop laughing, Friends look at me like, oh my Gosh ! Thank you for your Pendant . It's fantastic, now I am so strong. Thomas P. (United Kingdom)
I wear the Quantum Pendant around my neck and I have been wearing it for 2 months now. Before wearing the pendant, I would have occasional lower back spasms. Since I have been wearing it, I have had NONE.
I also noticed that my occasional knee problem has disappeared since wearing the pendant. I can take the pendant, or the card, and put them on my feet, and it will ease the pain caused by peripheral neuropathy in my feet. I highly recommend the Quantum Pendant, and think that it is a great product. J. G. (CA)
I got the scalar pendant originally just to see if it would improve my energy levels. After ordering it, I had injured my hip to the point where I was referred to a physiotherapist. Each time I would get up, I would get a snapping feeling at the top of my right leg and then run down my leg leaving it stiff and painful especially when I would get up and start walking. (Note I have bursitis in both hips which normally acts up if I have been doing a lot of movement (i.e. dancing). As soon as I got the pendant, I started by wearing it in my pocket as close to the hip as possible. It took almost 3 weeks with no physiotherapy but the pain was gone. In fact, I didn’t notice that it had gone. My colleague that sits beside me was the one that pointed it out. He noticed the difference in my walking. I had to stop and think about it….he was right. No more pain.
Thank you. I’m now using it to energize my water and feeling better, happier, and more relaxed. Liz. B. (Canada)
Bonjour, J'ai bien reçu les pendentils et j'en ai offert un à ma cousine Qui a Souvent des douleurs. Elle vient de me dire Qu'elle l'a positionné sur le pied suite à Une douleur APRES AVOIR voyage et que cela l'a soulagée.
Personnellement j'en porte un depuis pas mal de temps et j'ai beaucoup moins de douleurs de dos qu'avant. Je le positionne dans mon dos et ne la garde que la journée, la nuit J'ai l'impression de Ressentir trop d'énergie donc je l'enlève.
J'ai un commerce de pierres pour lithothérapie et cela m'intéreserait de vendre ce produit et d'autres éventuellement, veuillez m'indiquer vos tarifs pour la revente et les produits que vous pouvez proposer. Merci.
(Good morning. I had received the pendants and I gave one to my cousin who always has pain. She told me that she put it directly on her foot where she had pain after a trip and was feeling better.
Personally, I wear it quite a long time and I have less back pain than before. I put it directly at my back for the day and in the night. But when I have the feeling that I have too much energy, I remove it.
I have a business in stones for lithotherapy and that I am interested to sell your product. Can you give me a special price? Thank you.) Bernadette C. (France)
We are RN's looking for a way to feel better. I have more energy and less calf and back discomfort now. My blood pressure decreased some. At least, it kept me off more meds for now!
The 2nd RN who ordered thru me gave hers to her husband who had a lot of ailments. Prior to that, she wore it at work, felt more energized and slept thru the night for the first time in years. Her cellulitis in her leg drained better than it had in a long time.
The 3rd RN has foot and ankle discomfort. She wore it for several weeks but stopped wearing it everyday recently. She will try wearing it again later and observe. Londa V. (IN)
I love my pendant very much. I had a shoulder injury and since then I have noticed a little less pain in that area. I seem to have more energy and what not so it has been a plus for me. Adam G. (MN)
92-year old woman did not get tired for 4 days doing various types of activities/chores at home. She does not feel lethargic while watching TV and can easily sleep now. Soledad S. (CA)
For the first couple of weeks, I did not feel any benefits. As a matter of fact, my back problem seemed to get worse. But I still continued to use it. On the 3rd week, I noticed that I'm not waking up in the middle of the night anymore unlike before when I used to wake up every 1 or 2 hours and tossed and turned in bed. Instead, I have been waking up late because I had a good night sleep and I can say that the scalar pendant improved my sleeping habits now. I did notice, as well, that I don't feel tired as much as before despite having 2 jobs and one of my jobs requires me to work on my feet for long hours. I no longer feel any cramps in my legs. Now, I'm not taking any pain medication because it does not hurt as much as it did before and I feel much better. Belen M. (CA)
68-yr old woman who had a stroke last year used to have "crampy" legs. Now, they are gone. Shirley D. (CA)
The pedant has improved my energy level and mental stamina. I have a
much better sleep. At my work place, it was kind of cold in
Minnesota. With the pendant, I feel like I can stand the cold much
better. Leng V. (MN)
I was given one of your scalar pendants and I was skeptical about using it at first as it looked so nondescript. However, after the first day of using it, I felt that my lower back pain was gone! I usually wake up with an intense lower back pain - maybe due to the nature of my work or the nature of my bed. The difference was dramatic! I would usually roll over to my feet and gingerly try to straighten up when I wake up . I could not sit up directly from my prone position as the pain was too bad. Now I can! Wonderful! Sleep has been so much more restful . I don't feel any more pain when I twist and turn in my sleep - this used to wake me up as well. Very good product and I highly recommend it. Marites A. (CA)
I did not feel any different during my 1st week of wearing it. But on the 2nd week, I noticed that I am not tired as easily when I'm doing my morning exercise. Lately, I'm exercising more and longer compared to before because I feel I have more energy. I can say that it increases my stamina. Few days ago, I felt sore on my shoulder which lasted 2 days maybe because of the way I sleep. On the 1st night, I asked my wife to put some medication on it and on the 2nd night I asked her again, but instead of putting some medication, she rub it with her quantum scalar pendant without telling me. The following morning the pain was gone and when I told her about it, she said the pendant worked! Art M. (CA)