Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Water Re-Defined
It is the liquid of life and one of the most essential requirements for
the human body. Without water, our body cannot function at all, and
certainly cannot perform anywhere near its peak. Water in our diet is
the essence of our life as well. Such a pure and simple thing such as
drinking water is a huge determinant in a healthy life, and the better
the quality, the more benefit one can derive from this daily ritual of
drinking water. It is general knowledge that we must ensure the
hydration level in our body is always being replenished to account for
the almost two litres of water we lose throughout each day. For
something we all do so absentmindedly, drinking water plays a very
important role in our survival.
Get more out of every sipIt
is common sense that drinking water is vital, however, there is a way
to enhance and improve the biocompatibility of water molecules.
Enhancing water’s biocompatibility means that you get more out of every
sip while quenching your thirst. There is also a way for your drinking
water to increase your energy and harmony levels at the same time. How?
By drinking water that has been energised and enhanced by the Bio Disc.
Bio Disc is a revolutionary innovation that has gained international
popularity over the past years. TheBio Disc is able to make your water
more hydratious, harmonise your energy levels, and generally increase
the advantages of drinking H20. The process is simple and seamlessly
joins your usual routine; simply place your glass or cup on the disc, or
place the disc on top of your drink, and then consume your water as
normal. Think of it as either a drink coaster, or a ‘lid’ for your
water. Either way, it is working to energise and revitalise your water,
and consequently, your body.
Beyond beveragesThe
Bio Disc energises more than your water. Wash your fruit and
vegetables with water treated by the disc and they’ll not only stay
fresher for longer, but their taste will be truly enhanced. Your plants
can benefit in their nutrient uptake from the soil through being
energised with water treated by the Bio Disc. Similarly, beauty creams
and cosmetics can be energised to improve their absorption rate.
Proving its worth
Various renowned institutions throughout the world have evaluated the Bio Disc. Among the evaluations and certifications is the verdict that the Bio Disc can reduce water surface tension value. This in turn makes water more hydratious, which therefore improves the compatibility of water molecules with the body’s cells. Basically, this means your body can absorb more of what it needs from your drinking water. Water treated with the Bio Disc also produces beautiful and perfectly shaped water crystals, an indication of water with high energy levels and good quality. Further tests have indicated that the disc has a “profound positive effect on individuals at energy level”.
Various renowned institutions throughout the world have evaluated the Bio Disc. Among the evaluations and certifications is the verdict that the Bio Disc can reduce water surface tension value. This in turn makes water more hydratious, which therefore improves the compatibility of water molecules with the body’s cells. Basically, this means your body can absorb more of what it needs from your drinking water. Water treated with the Bio Disc also produces beautiful and perfectly shaped water crystals, an indication of water with high energy levels and good quality. Further tests have indicated that the disc has a “profound positive effect on individuals at energy level”.
placebo-controlled tests have measured the efficacy of the Bio Disc in
balancing energy centres, revealing it is a very effective method of
energising and balancing the human bio field, decreasing energy
imbalances, and redistributing pooled energy. What’s more, various test
results also reveal that the Bio Disc can increase the energy and
harmony levels in those who use the disc or drink water treated with it.
How is this possible?
The Bio Disc is made of technically engineered natural minerals that have been structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level using high-heat fusion methods. Through this combination of minerals and fusion techniques, a positive energy field is created, which allows the Bio Disc to transfer its energy field to water and the human body, as has been certified through various testing and evaluation processes. It is this transfer of energy that brings out the best in your water.
The Bio Disc is made of technically engineered natural minerals that have been structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level using high-heat fusion methods. Through this combination of minerals and fusion techniques, a positive energy field is created, which allows the Bio Disc to transfer its energy field to water and the human body, as has been certified through various testing and evaluation processes. It is this transfer of energy that brings out the best in your water.
Key Benefits
- Feel refreshed and rejuvenated
- Drink water treated with the Bio Disc to increase your harmony and energy levels
- Facilitate transfer of nutrients and enhance the biocompatibility of water to get more out of your water
- Decrease energy imbalances and redistribute pooled energy in your body
- What is Scalar Energy?Scalar waves were documented by Nikola Tesla at the end of last century. It was Albert Einstein who discovered the practical application of the scalar wave in the 1920s. Scalar energy has existed since time began. Small random scalar energies are always present in the environment, yet modern physics and scholarly publications rarely mention scalar energies.Scalar energy can regenerate, repair its self indefinitely and pass through solid objects with no loss of intensity and can implant its signature on solid objects. This is important when embedding scalar energy into nutritional supplements for better absorption by the body system.When scalar wave exists inside the body, it is call Bio-scalar wave. Scalar energy does not flow like waves, but occupies space and increases in spatial mass, which expands outward in circles of energy in your body, thus directly influencing the body’s fluid, blood and lymphatic systems. Good flows of bodily fluid systems hasten healing. The creation of bioscalar wave is the essential electromagnetic healing phenomena of all healing procedures.Bio DiscAccording to Dr Ian Lyons an ex-surgeon, the Bio Disc is made of 14 natural minerals that have been structurally bonded and fused together at the molecular level and embedded with silica at the temperature of 3000 degree Celsius. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produce a catalytic conversion of energy, creating a long lasting, specific natural Nano resonance in the Bio Disc. In other words, Bio Disc is a device that generates positive energy field.Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This is the most promising technologies of the 21st century. The understanding of many diseases on molecular and cellular level is increasing rapidly. This leads to new insights in diagnostics and therapy thereby creating opportunities in Nanotechnology. The application of Nanotechnology in the Bio Disc to produce scalar energy will provide significant contribution to many aspects of one's wellness.The Bio Disc is an innovative development by Dr Ian Lyons. Bio Disc is claimed to emit scalar energy or beta resonance rhythm invisible to our naked eyes. This natural energy-generating device has been independently tested by Prognos. Prognos machine is used to test the health of astronauts; it has the ability to determine a year in advance of any impending sickness!The Bio Disc is not regulated and approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Therapeutic Goods Australia (TGA). Neither FDA nor TGA will ever be applied for; this is at the request of the inventor Dr Ian Lyons. A Bio Disc is a wellness device and not a medicine.Bio Disc Benefits and How to Use?Improves taste of all liquids e.g., whisky, wine, beverages and tap water. Pour the liquid over the Bio Disc or stand the liquid on top of Bio Disc for 20 minutes.Extends the shelf life of all vegetables, fruit and meats. Simply place the Bio Disc in the fridge (not inside the freezer)Increases body energy level. The liquid you drink will be more hydratious and has been known to increase blood oxygen levels to enhance the immune system.Calms and balances. Carry the Bio Disc on your person, the (resonance frequency) energy in the Disc has the ability to balance Ying and Yang as well as the ChakrasAssist in pain relief e.g. migraine, gout. Simply reflect the sun rays or LED torchlight through the Bio Disc onto the area with pain. Hold the disc 21cm away from the affected area and "spin" the disc or torchlight anti-clockwiseEnhances potency of food supplements - Increasing the hydration levels of the drinking water taken with supplements.Bio Disc has also been known to:Vivify or energize water ("living water"), liquids and cells at molecular level.Detoxify, rejuvenate and hydrate body cells at atomic levelDelay or slow the spread of cancerous cellsHelps reduce the effects of aging, making the skin look healthier and younger looking.Increase blood oxygen level & nutrient absorption.Blood is cleansed and its cellular elements function as they should, thereby improving your immune system.Strengthens chemical bonds within DNA making it more resistant to damage.Reverse arthritis, destroy uric-acid in gout, inflammation and much more DISEASE.Harmonizes the frequency in your body and nullified the effects of harmful electromagnetic waves e.g. handphone in pocketBinds the tar and nicotine in cigarettes so that the body does not absorb these harmful substances when smoking.Removes jet lag and helps improve natural sleep patterns.What is Bio- Disc?A Bio Disc is a device that generates positive energy field. It is made of 14 natural minerals that have been structurally bonded and fused together at molecular level, at the temperature of 3000 degree Celsius based on Nanotechnology. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produce a catalytic conversion of energy known as "Scalar energy".The SCALAR energy frequencies have no negative side effects.The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids.The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life.Basically, Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This is the most promising technologies of the 21st century. The understanding of many diseases on molecular and cellular level is increasing rapidly. This leads to new insights in diagnostics and therapy thereby creating opportunities in Nanotechnology. The application of Nanotechnology in the Bio Disc to produce scalar energy will provide significant contribution to many aspects of one's wellness.Bio Disc is an innovative development by Dr Ian Lyons. This natural energy-generating device has been independently tested by Prognos. The Bio Disc is not regulated and approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Therapeutic Goods Australia (TGA). Neither FDA nor TGA will ever be applied for; this is at the request of the inventor Dr Ian Lyons. A Bio Disc is a wellness device and not a medicine.Bio Disc does not heal. It assist our body to heal itself naturally.Bio Disc is known to:1.Vivify or energize water ("healing water"), liquids and cells at molecular level.2.Detoxify, rejuvenate and hydrate body cells at atomic level.3.Helps reduce the effects of aging, making the skin look healthier and younger looking.4. Can influence the body fluid, blood, lymphatic and cellular systems.5. Increase blood oxygen level & nutrient absorption.6. Blood is cleansed and its cellular elements function as they should, thereby improving your immune system.7.Strengthens chemical bonds within DNA making it more resistant to damage.8.Reverse arthritis, destroy uric-acid in gout, inflammation and much more DISEASE.9.Assists in pain relief in joints or wounds by reflecting the sun’s rays through disc onto the affected area. Helps reduce swelling, inflammation and even migraines.10.Harmonizes the frequency in your body and nullified the effects of harmful electromagnetic waves.11.Binds the tar and nicotine in cigarettes so that the body does not absorb these harmful substances when smoking.12.Extends the shelf life of all vegetables, fruits and meats by placing the disc in the refrigerator.13. Improves the taste and quality of wine and other alcoholic beverages.14.Removes jet lag and helps improve natural sleep patterns.15.It can create a positive energy field16.It can potentially harmonise and balance your body's rhythmusHow to use the Bio DiscSimply pour drinking water over the BioDisc. Collect and drink the energised water. It's energised instantly. Otherwise, stand the bottle of your drinking water on top of the disc for six hours or longer. Bio energized water have smaller water molecules that are easily absorb by our cells to hydrates and detox our body effectively.If you poured chlorinated water, the taste and smell will disappear. Put in your refrigerator overnight and everything in it will be energised.As the water flows through the generated field it receives the impulse to harmonise itself. Resulting in complex clusters being formed again or 'structured water, which are characteristic of living vital water. In this process the water transfers from the energy-depleting left-hand spin to the energising and vitalising right-hand spin. This reverses the vibrational energy that is contained in 'water memory.Benefits : By drinking the Bio Disc energised water, you'll benefit the following:1.It enhances the taste of food and beverages.2.Helps to improve sleep.3.Energises our body to be less fatigue.4.Helps balance the 'Ying' & 'Yang' and create a 'Chi' Life Force.5.The calming effects of the resonance, increases mental cognition.6.Help to detoxify and hydrate all body cells.7.It reduces stress levels.8.It increases take up of nutrients and food supplements.9.It increases oxygenation of the blood.10.It enhances the immune system of your body.11.Assist in pain relief.Bio Disc can relieves and improves the following:1.Headaches and migraines2.Gout or joint pains3.skin pigmentation and scars4.Indigestion5.bad blood circulation and clots6.water retention7.chronic pain or illness8.breathing problems9.sinusitis10.sleeping disorders or insomniaBesides that, natures best pain killer is the Far Infra-Red (FIR) found in the light spectrum. Hence, infra-red lamps are frequently used to shine on pain areas e.g. joint pains. The 'Beta Rhythm' emitted from Bio Disc can be transported deep into affected joints with FIR, having a therapeutic effect.Bio Disc can also help those who are suffering from the following sickness.- Completely destroys Uric acid crystals that cause GOUT- Helps relieve headaches and migraines- Helps relieve Vertigo attacks-All types of Cancer as Bio Disc water can effectively detox the body of toxins to boost the immune system to kill Cancer cells naturally without harmful and expensive treatments.Difference Between Bio Disc and Other Products :While other products may also energise water, Bio Disc energised water will retain energised for up to 50 years and not just 48 hours. Furthermore, Biodisc is a tool that can transfer it's energy by direct contact or by light rays to our body. It's portable and requires no power to use.It `s maintenance free and last a minimum of 15 years onwards.Put it in your pocket or handbag. Bring it along when you travel. Make and share Bio Disc energised water anywhere in the world - it is useful during your vacation, when taking plane or even in the jungle!*Testimonial of testing result on Bio Disc treated waterBefore drinking the water treated by the Bio Disc, the tester was tested using a Prognos Machine to determine his health. The test results showed that he lacked energy and suffered from disharmony of the meridian system.After drinking the treated water, the tester was again tested using a Prognos Machine. This time, the results showed that his energy levels had returned to normal and the disharmony of the meridian system was reduced from 48% to 34%.If you desire health and beauty,all these can be achieved through effective detox by Bio Disc or if you need to relieve your pain,Bio Disc is the one for you.It is suitable for everyone young or old including plants,pets and even energizing petrol to save your fuel price. Remember the healing possibilities and uses of Bio disc are Endless.It just take a creative mind to find out more!*Best way to enjoy bio disc waterJust get a large container with a tap and put bio disc inside and fill it full with drinking water.Leave your bio disc inside the container and refill with water when the water supply is low.There is no need to remove the bio disc.Your whole family can drink from this source daily to enjoy super energized water.Try it today and achieve good health through maximum use of the bio disc as bio disc water can detox your body effectively.Bio Disc -see and experience the miracle for your selves.Bio Disc -seeing is believing.* Chi Pendant properties.Advanced mineral based disc.Made from high temperature nano-engineered glass.Set into a sterling silver bezel.Has a positive energy field*Benefits of Chi Pendant1.It protects the user from the negative effect of electromagnetic fields.(e-smog).2.Increases users `s energy levels(improves strength).3.Harmonizes the energy levels of the user.4.Improves athletes stamina and endurance(give you a competitive edge).5.Positive cognitive mental effects(improves alterness).6.Assists in reducing stress level in user.7.Assists in the balancing of the Ying and Yang meridian in the user.When you are wearing the Chi Pendant, your body can be relaxed and refreshed through the power of "Bio Resonance" technology.This is a wonderful item for stress relief and comfort.A must have in today' s modern environment.The Chi Pendant has been known to emit healing energies, and can potentially harmonise your body's life-force. By absorbing heat energy and transforming it into bio-energy, the pendant helps your body's metabolic functions achieve holistic wellness, and improves your mental processes by stimulating your brain.The minerals embedded in the pendant emit an energy known as 'scalar energy which can help your cells return to their 'rhythm of life' and regain their ability to repair themselves. Conveniently worn around the neck, the Chi Energy Pendant helps you to feel an inner sense of balance and vitality whenever, and wherever, you wear it.This advanced, mineral-based disc is made from high-temperature nano-engineered glass which has been known to create positive energy field. The Chi Pendant can potentially harmonise and balance your body's rhythmus.It balances and harmonizes the body rhythmus.* Prognos is a diagnostic and therapy system based on the Traditional Medicine.You can feel an inner sense of balance and vitality when you wear the Chi Pendant.*Lab TestsThe effects of electro-smog were tested on people with and without the Chi Pendant.Dr Manfred Doepp at the Holistic Center in Germany used meridian diagnostics to measure the test results. The test shows that the Chi Pendant is able to shield users from the negative effects of electro-smog. Test result also shows that when the Chi Pendant is held by the testers, there is an improvement in harmony and energy levels. Dr. med. Manfred Doepp is a member of the Board of the German Society for Energy and Information Medicine e.V., Stuttgart. He is also a reviewer of the following societies: International Society on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, and International Society on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies.
Dr. shafi bio disc presentation
Dr shafi bio disc presentation - Presentation TranscriptWhat does GOOD HEALTH really mean ? By definition: Health is the level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the micro (cellular) and macro (social) level.So how healthy are u ?ARE YOU HEALTHY AT A CELLULAR LEVEL?What is the role of water in maintaining our GOOD HEALTHSome facts …Human body = 75% (Water)Human brain = 85%Human blood = 95%Ulcer pains, colitis, acidosis or severe constipationare clear indications of lack of proper hydration.By maintaining the optimum pH balance in our digestive system we will enjoy far better levels of health and energy.What is the best form of water ? Natural Spring waterNatural spring waters = Healing WaterSpring water is the purest form of waterThe miracles of this water is simply astonishingAcross the world there are 14 mountain springsSpring water is scientifically proven to contain healing qualities due to its higher content of Calcium and Magnesium Salts and also natural fluorides that encompass a germicidal actionBasaltic Rocks Perfect Crystal ShapeCan we prepare ‘ Spring water ’ AT HOME ?Thanks to the Bio Disc) Unlimited amount of Crystal water can be made at home "Given that our bodies are 70% water, using Nano technology gives our bodies a 70% better chance. We look younger, we're more energized, and at the end of the day, we're healthier!“ ’- Dr. Ian Lyons Non-Treated Water Water Treated With Amezcua Bio DiscWhat is the Bio Disc made of ?The Bio Disc is made of 13 Technically Engineered natural mineralsA Nano Fusion process using several high heat fusion methods, structurally bonds the minerals together at a molecular levelThe combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversation of energy called:“ Positive mineral energy ”This 21 st century technology develops a long lasting natural mineral energy resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.Field of the BIODISC resonance The BIODISC Life Span is 15yrs - 25yrs 75m 75m 25m 25m 5mWhat are the current sources of our regular drinking water?RESERVOIRWATER DAMBORE WELL ATTACHED TO MOTOR PUMPTAP WATERPIPE LINE SYSTEM IN METROSDEAD WATER DISTORSION STRESSWater’s Structure after passing over the Bio DiscDead water vs. Structured waterThe above two images show how vivified water differs from normal water. Beautiful water crystals are formed after exposure to the bio-disc as opposed to no crystals present in standard tap water. The picture on the left shows cells before drinking structured water and the picture on the right shows blood cells after absorbing structured water.Revitalized Water Regular Water Lingers around the cell Water Retention Bio Disc Water Penetrates the cell wall 100% High HydrationBenefits of the Bio Disc Exposes Positive Expels NegativeDrinking water energizesMaximizes Nutritional BenefitsImproves tasteExtends shelf lifeImproves wellnessEnhances immune systemsRejuvenates cellsIncreases Blood Oxygen's levelsFIR is a 'natural' pain killer . FIR affects the beta rhythm within the body . FIR stimulate the metabolism, promoting the Elimination of Toxins that accumulates in the cells.Toxins like:PoisonsCarcinogenic heavy metalsFood processed toxinsLactic acidFree fatty acidsUric acidsSubcutaneous fatThe 'Beta Rhythm' emitted from Bio Disc can be transported deep into affected joints with FIR , having a therapeutic effect. F I R + BETA Far Infra – RedWhat is Electro - Smog?-Technically generated electricalfrequency million times strongerthan natural electromagnetic radiationHarmful effects of Electro –Smog on our Heath?Leads to stress in healthy organismsStress slows down the natural compensating and regulating mechanisms that can lead to various health issuesELECTRO SMOGSigns of Electro Magnetic (E-SMOG) StressSleep inconveniencePermanent tiredness and exhaustionHeadachesIrritabilityPoor concentration abilityReduction in cognitive (memory) functionalityGood News : Carrying the Bio Disc close to your body may prevent you from the effects of E-smog .Electro Magnetic (E-SMOG) Stress and Wellness Good News :Carrying the Bio Disc close to your body may prevent you from the effects of E-smog.Exposure for a longer time can lead to individualdangers such as:Higher blood pressureTinnitusPermanently changing health stateDifficulties with breath,Memory blockages,Hormonal disturbances,DepressionsHeart murmursDecrease of leucocytesLemon Slice TestSalt Taste testDrinking Water Color, Purity and TasteCigarette testAlcohol TestTorch Light – Scalar Energy TestVehicle Fuel TestMoisturizer Test (Absorption Test)Rose test (Shelf Life Extension)Flexibility TestBalance And Strength TestGravity TestSIMPLE TESTS WITH THE BIO DISCCERTICATIONSANDEVALUATIONSPROGNOS, Germany Tests run by the PROGNOS machine has shown that the Amezcua Bio Disc possesses a positive energy field. Results from the system have shown that after drinking water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc, the tester’s energy levels has increased and disharmony of his meridian system is reduced. PROGNOS is a diagnostic and therapy system based on Traditional Medicine which uses a painless method to create a picture of the energetic state of the body. This is measured through the subject’s meridian system, or the energy courses of the human body. PROGNOS and its manufacturer MedPrevent has been accredited with EC and ISO certifications by the EUROCAT Institute for Certification and Testing.PROGNOS Test Results from Bio Disc Treated Water Before drinking the treated water by the Bio Disc, the tester was test by a Prognos Machine to determine his health and shows that he lack of energy and disharmony of meridian system. After drinking the treated water, the tester was again tested by a Prognos Machine to determine his health and shows that his energy level has gone back to normal and disharmony or meridian system has also reduce from 48% to 34%. This shows the effect of after drinking the energized water.Dr. med. Manfred Doepp is a member of the Board of the German Society for Energy and Information Medicine e.v., Stuttgart.WATER SURFACE TENSION RESULT PSB Laboratory - SingaporeDr. med Micheal Kucera • An internationally active medical doctor responsible for introducing the potential of Mitochondrial Medicine as a basic therapeutic tool • Monitors the efficacy of the therapy by heart frequency variability measurement • Was awarded the international Mitochondrial Association (IMMA) Prize in 2000 An observational study shows that the Amezcua Bio Disc: • Reduces sympathetic activity of the nervous system, reducing tension, increasing reserves of stress adaptation capabilities, increasing parasympathetic activity and increasing energetic reserves • Has a harmonizing effect between sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system • Improves regulatory and adaptation mechanismsLIST OF EVALUATORSEvaluator Country ScopeI.H.M. Institute Japan Water crystal photography and energy levels in waterDr. med. Manfred Doepp Germany Energy levels in water and human bodyDr. med Micheal Kussera Chez republic Reducing stress levels in humanbrain and heart with biowater.PSB Laboratory Singapore Water surface tension valuePROGNOS, Med Prevent Germany Positive energy fieldGmbH & CoSCHOTT AG Germany Manufacturer of bio disc glassWHERE HEALTH IS TRULY WEALTH
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